Code of Ethics
Members of the Canadian Association of Movers, working toward their common goal of fostering high standards of ethical conduct within the Association and throughout the industry, promise to follow this guide to professional conduct:
- They will act with fairness and honesty to clients, being considerate of their needs.
- They will honour the terms of contracts.
- They will maintain professional integrity and personal honour.
- They will provide efficient, reliable, high-quality service.
- They will ensure that services are provided in a safety-conscious environment.
- They will foster the continuance of competitive practices.
- They will promote education in the industry, to improve service to the public.
- They will fulfill all obligations of membership.
Members and their employees also commit to the principles of the Canadian Association of Movers’ Certified Canadian Mover Program. They furthermore agree to:
- Abide by CAM’s Code of Ethics;
- Provide CAM with the business-related documentation required for membership and keep CAM apprised of any changes in status of that documentation;
- Adhere to the Good-Practice Guidelines established for Certified Canadian Movers, and
- Provide a complaint resolution process for consumers.