Want up-to-date statistics on the spread of COVID-19? Click on this interactive map.
If you can’t buy ’em, we’ll tell you how to make ’em
August 5, 2020 - On August 3rd, Clorox announced that the brand’s popular sanitizing wipes won’t be fully available on retail shelves until early 2021. The inability to find wipes has been one of the most common complaints from drivers striving to keep their environment as clean and safe as possible since the COVID-19 outbreak. They cannot find adequate supplies of disposable sanitizing wipes. Here's an article on how to make your own. Read more.
Mandatory Mask Directives - Sample Instructions
July 7, 2020 - Masks are now mandatory in indoor spaces in several areas across the country. Here is the directive from Ottawa Public Health on what is required by building operators to be done to facilitate their recommendation that masks be worn in any indoor space. Read here. For specific community mask orders, please check the provincial re-opening update links below.
Wearing Masks
Communities have started mandating the use of masks when indoors or in situations when you can't keep a 2 metre (6 foot) distance. Here's some useful information about masks from the Federal Government.
Non-medical masks and face coverings English
Masques et des couvre‑visage non médicaux en français
Ontario's COVID-19 Screening Tool for Workplaces (Businesses and Organizations)
September 25, 2020 - Here's Ontario's COVID-19 Screening Tool for Workplaces (Businesses and Organizations) (ver 1)
Provincial Government Websites
Here are links to provincial government COVID-19 websites.
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Québec (English) / Québec (French)
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
Other Key Websites
We recommend the following websites for the latest information on the coronavirus.
World Health Organization (WHO)
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) - here are some recommended best practices.
General safety priorities
Practicing appropriate hygiene everywhere including in the office, washroom, warehouse, moving truck and customer’s home or worksite.
Frequently washing hands with soap & hot water.
Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of tissues immediately in lined wastepaper receptacles.
Being sensitive when greeting people. CAM and all customers will understand that a simple verbal greeting will suffice as opposed to a handshake when you arrive at the customer’s home or worksite.
Trying to maintain a 2-metre distance between you and others.
Workers with health issues should not perform in-person estimates or be sent out on moving jobs.
Promote a tap-and-pay option or pre-approved credit cards to limit any handling of cash.
COVID-19 and Seasonal Allergies - Do you know the difference?
August 31, 2020 - It's that time of the year! Here's a comparison of common COVID-19 and seasonal allergy symptoms.

Provinces broaden list of symptoms to allow for further COVID-19 testing
Beginning May 22, 2020, if you have any one of the following symptoms, contact your provincial government to get a further assessment on what the next step is.
Fever, chills or sweats
New or worsening cough
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Muscle aches
Congestion or runny nose
Hoarse voice
Unusual fatigue
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Red, purple or blueish areas on the feet, toes or fingers
As Dr. Strang from Nova Scotia says, "Many of these are common symptoms for other ailments," such as hayfever or the common cold. "In most cases, if you have any of these symptoms, you should be directed to have testing done, not because you have COVID, but instead to rule out COVID."
Here's a simple comparison of the coronavirus and other flu- and cold-like symptoms - but always rely on the advice of your medical practitioner.