- A non-refundable application fee of $50 (plus provincial tax) will be required to accompany an application for membership. CAM will invoice the applicant upon receipt of their application and will begin processing the application when payment is received. The fee will be applied towards the membership fee for successful applicants. CAM reserves the right to waive the fee in some cases.
- Applications to CAM are subject to CAM's stringent certification process and should not be considered automatically approved.
- The vetting process for mover member applications involves several tiers of review and can take time to complete.
- All membership applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
- Only the company location applying for and approved for membership will be authorized to use CAM's logos/identifiers. Membership cannot be extended to its other branches and/or locations. Each company location must apply for membership on its own merit.
This form can be submitted directly or printed and then emailed/faxed with information to:
Canadian Association of Movers
PO Box 26004, RPO Churchill,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 5W7
Tel: 905.848.6579
Toll free: 1.866.860.0065
Fax: 905.756.1115
Email: admin[at]
For Canadian Movers – Membership Document Requirements
Applicants for membership must provide CAM with the following documentation (photocopies only):
- Business licence
- Photos of premises and vehicles
- GST/HST registration and number
- Workers’ compensation certificate
- Insurance certificate showing a minimum of $1 million liability and a cargo limit minimum of $250,000
- Incorporation certificate
- Two trade references with length of relationship (e.g., bank, moving equipment supplier, etc.)
- Promotional items or ads (optional)
- Signed Code of Ethics form (pdf)
All membership applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
CAM primarily communicates electronically with its members. When you click “submit”, you are confirming that you would like to receive email communications from the Association.