Helper Module
Welcome to the Canadian Association of Movers’ helper training video.
The Canadian Association of Movers’ helper video is designed to introduce newly-hired helpers to the moving profession. This is a first lesson in what it takes to become a professional mover. You will learn more about the profession from your moving team leader and from the experience you gain on the job.
The video provides an overview of basic moving topics:
- Customer relations
- Teamwork
- Lifting and lifting safety
- Moving equipment
- Basic operations
The video takes about 25 minutes to view and is followed by a quiz that tests your understanding of the content of the video.
Remember that the lessons you learn when you begin your career as a mover are important. They teach you about the basic concepts – safe operations, correct technique and quality service.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to do it right, right from the very start.
Link to module (CAM members only)
CAM’s Helper Training Module was created in the latest version of Adobe Flash. If you are having difficulty viewing the video, please go to the Adobe website ( and download and install the latest version of Flash. It’s free. Click on the Get Adobe Flash Player button and following the instructions to download the latest version and install it. We also recommend that you use Internet Explorer to access the video.
Link to quiz (CAM members only)
For information about the helper video or to register, contact CAM.
Tel: 905.848.6579
Toll free: 1.866.860.0065
Fax toll free: 1.866.601.8499
Email: cam_national[at]