Déménager des aînés de façon sécuritaire

Déménager des aînés de façon sécuritaire
Déménager des aînés de façon sécuritaire

Les citoyens canadiens plus âgés qui déménagent ont souvent des préoccupations particulières qui peuvent compliquer le processus de déménagement. De tels déménagements peuvent alors nécessiter certains choix en regard du déménagement dans une plus petite résidence, de la possibilité ou non de procéder eux-mêmes à l’emballage ou de faire effectuer ce travail par quelqu’un d’autre, de l'embauche d’un bon déménageur, etc.

This page is designed to provide education and tools to help seniors make informed decisions about their moves. Note videos are in English only.


Scams Target Seniors

Global News - March 25, 2022: Seniors in N.S., across Canada, targeted in growing number of ‘devastating’ scams

Moving scams - what you need to know

Moving scams are on the rise in Canada and seniors are being targeted. Nancy Irvine, President of the Canadian Association of Movers talks with Toronto lawyer Rocco Scocco about the anatomy of the rise of these scams, how he got involved and is taking on these unlawful companies and what help is now available for victims as a result of his dogged determination. Here's a three-part interview, total length is 34.21 minutes.


Tip Sheets

Here are few helpful tip sheets. More can be found on the Moving Tips page.



We have a variety of videos on moving-related topics.

Recognizing that there’s a lack of knowledge and awareness about many of the pitfalls of moving – be they financial, emotional, and physical – the Canadian Association of Movers (CAM), the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) and Organize Anything teamed up in March to present “Moving Seniors Safely Week.” This event was designed to provide education and tools for not only older Canadians, but their adult children and friends as well. Driven by the desire to set Seniors and Zoomers up for success, these organizations shared their collective wisdom via panel discussions, webinars, handouts, podcasts, interviews, live question and answer opportunities and other useful resources.  Here's more information on the week, plus links to videos of past sessions:


Before the Move

with Colette Robicheau

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The Power of Positive Shrinking

with Colette Robicheau

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Something in the Way We Move

with Nancy Irvine

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Move In Day and Beyond

with Colette Robicheau

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When older Canadians have to move - either closer to family, to get out of a large multi-level home to a one-level location, or require transitioning to a special care facility, amongst many other scenarios, the preparation for move day can be very stressful and challenging, especially if they have lived in their home for decades. CAM President Nancy Irvine has a great conversation with CAM Member Brett Ford who specializes in seniors moves. Their discussion includes moving in general, what a mover does, the need for a "quarterback" to help manage the move, moving into long care homes and retirement homes and COVID considerations, and moving scams that target seniors.

The Complexities of Moving Seniors Safely

with Nancy Irvine & Brett Ford
(run time: 22:18 min)

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