Why Trust CAM?

Why Trust CAM?
Why Trust CAM?

The most important element
in moving is finding
a mover
you can trust...

you can trust the members of the Canadian Association of Movers
to treat you fairly and deliver the services they’ve promised.

Trust but verify.


  • CAM members have sufficient insurance to cover your goods in their care;
  • CAM members have workers’ compensation coverage to ensure you’re not liable for injuries to workers that may occur in your home;
  • CAM members are in compliance with the GST/HST requirements of the Canada Revenue Agency;
  • CAM members are rated highly by consumer agencies; and
  • CAM members have invested in personnel, equipment and facilities to serve you professionally.

The Canadian Association of Movers has represented the moving industry since 1969.

  • Our members are movers – they are not telemarketers, scammers or thieves – just professional movers. And they are located in your marketplace – not at a remote terminal;
  • Our members include smaller, independent movers as well as Canada’s major van lines – brand names you know;
  • We validate all members for reputation and professionalism;
  • We helped Industry Canada develop its guidelines for consumers and movers;
  • The CBC and other media come to CAM for information on the moving industry;
  • The Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) consult with CAM on moving industry law, practices and for references;
  • We consult with provincial governments about consumer protection.

If you are looking for a reputable mover, click here.