International Resources

International Resources
International Resources

Movers and consumers often need the services of an international mover to enable a move between Canada and a location outside of North America.

CAM’s Certified Overseas Movers (where logos appear) can help with your international move. You can browse our list of recommended international movers or search for one in CAM’s member directory.

CAM Overseas

CAM also offers a resource library on international moving – such as links to various international associations, customs requirements, etc.

If you are moving to an overseas country, we highly recommend that you refer to IAM's Country Guides. IAM’s Country Guides provide customs information for more than 170 countries and territories around the world. Detailing the documents needed for duty-free import and the specific policies of a country/territory, these comprehensive guides help ensure that customs processes go as smoothly as possible for both the mover and the moving customer. 

International Shipping Delays

Attention consumers! International forwarders/moving companies can experience significant delays and container shortages. While your forwarder will try to obtain a confirmed container reservation, oftentimes containers are unavailable and reserved vessels are delayed or do not sail at all. Furthermore, ports are often subject to labour interruptions and lengthy strikes resulting in operational constraints. These situations can cause unexpected and unavoidable delays and expenses which are above and beyond your moving agreement. Unfortunately, charges resulting from such delays or additional fees inflicted by the ocean carriers, with little or no notice and through no fault of your forwarder, may be added to your invoice.


International Movers’ Resource Library

CAM members are invited to use and contribute to its new international movers resource library.


Overseas Training Manual for Administrative Staff (pdf, members only)


International Moving Associations

International Customs

Canadian National

Canada Customs (CBSA) - Electronic House Bills (April 2021)

The electronic house bills (eHBL) system was intended to streamline the process by allowing pre-arrival information documents to be transmitted electronically.  There are currently two options available:

Crimsonlogic provided CAM with two videos that may be of assistance in understanding what to do. CAM is considering hosting a webinar on the eHBL if there is a need.  If you are interested in someone from your office attending a session on it, please advise us at admin[at]


Contact Us

Send CAM an email at members[at] with your suggestions and contributions of content.


The links and resources supplied herein are provided as a courtesy to readers. These links were verified at the time of publishing to this web site, and can change without notice or obligation. We are not liable for any costs, damages, delays, duties, taxes or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance, errors or omissions. Any copyright infringement or intellectual property rights violation is done so without intent or malice.