COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update


The Canadian Association Movers (CAM) and its 400 members, are committed to everyone’s health and safety during this extraordinary time. CAM has been in regular contact with its members since the end of January with updates and allaying concerns about conducting business. Moving and warehouse storage are considered essential services. While most of our members are open, some have made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend their operations. To find a certified, professional mover near you, visit CAM's home page to access our mover search function.

Update:  May 4, 2020 - No New Updates

Thanks to our members who are sending us real-time updates to help keep everyone informed!

We are receiving a lot of phone calls from consumers wanting to have a definitive answer about moving during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no definitive answer. In all cases, ensure that you have discussed with your mover a plan and have a clear, understandable strategy in place prior to booking your mover. Make sure you have adequate liability protection on your shipment.

Each province, and indeed some individual cities, have different measures in place than their neighbour.  You need to work with your moving companies – in the estimate stage – to determine what actions are going to be required by you and your mover.  This is particularly critical when you are doing a long distance move that takes you across a provincial/territorial border.

Here are some anecdotal observations that have been passed along to us that you may want to consider.

How many people can I have in my house on moving day?

Many locales are enforcing no more than 5 people gathering in one location.  To minimize your potential exposure, many of our members have suggested that you have only one or two people in the home while the driver and crew are present.  You must maintain the 2-metre distance as often as possible.  Therefore, it is recommended that you have your children out of the house while the crew is working as kids’ natural curiosity will have them in close contact with the movers.  That certainly is challenging at this time.    We have heard of families that have set up their backyard for the day for their kids to be running around out there with supervision.

How do I prepare my home for the moving company?

  • Leave your items in the rooms that they are currently in.  Do not put everything in one room.  This allows the crew to work independently with physical distancing for some of the time they are in your home.
  • Disinfect all doorknobs, handrails, and bathroom and kitchen countertops. Do this before the crew arrives and immediately after they have left.
  • If you have more than one washroom, please designate one washroom for the moving crew to use to wash their hands.  Provide soap and a towel (or paper towel with a plastic bag to put the used paper in).  Please disinfect before they arrive and after they have left.
  • Have your own pen handy to sign paperwork.

Will the moving crew use masks, gloves and other PPE?

This is tricky to answer.  Moving companies traditionally did not use face masks or other personal protective equipment prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.  Therefore, when the demand for PPE started, suppliers limited the amount of PPE a moving company could acquire or only allowed them to access previous ordered amounts.  Medical PPE priority continues to be for the front-line workers in medical situations.  There is a strain on supply.  Now that more companies are producing equipment, the availability to movers may increase.  However, as has been noted daily by Canada’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, regular handwashing and not touching your face are the two key measures everyone, who is not a front-line worker, should be doing.  As well, if a crew member is showing symptoms, they won’t be working.

What happens when you are traveling to a new province/territory and there’s a mandatory 14-day isolation/quarantine when you enter that province. 

  • You need to go into isolation for 14 days – or until you are 14 days symptom free.  If you are not isolating in your new home, then you can designate someone to supervise the delivery of your shipment while you are in quarantine.  Please advise the moving company who that person is prior to the delivery day.  You can always Facetime or Skype in to boss your friend around to make sure things go where they should.   It’s very important to clearly mark your boxes as to which room they should go into.  Some people are colour coding the boxes (with a marker circle) and having the same colour circles on a paper taped to the wall in the room at the new house.<
  • You decide to isolate in your new home.  It is very likely that your mover will not risk their crew being exposed to you until you are given the “all clear”, which means, it could be more than 14 days.  It is very likely that your shipment would go into storage (at your expense) until you are clear of any symptoms.   If you have replacement valuation protection on your shipment, it would still apply to your shipment until delivery in your home.  You might be able to arrange with your mover to pick up your shipment from your current home and hold it until you are ready to receive it at your new city.  But remember that regular transit timelines for driving across the country apply and your shipment would be booked for the next available truck going to your new city, so there may be further delays than you think.
  • You isolate in your new home and you want to deliver to self storage.  Your mover could deliver your household goods to a self storage unit.  That would be the end of the move and the mover would consider the moving contract complete.  If you have replacement valuation protection on your shipment, the delivery to the self storage unit would be the end of that protection arrangement and any damages or other issues, if not discovered at the time of delivery to the self storage unit, would not be covered at a future time when you had your goods moved into your home because anyone could have caused the mishap. 

Is there anything that ensures that my mover will be able to deliver?

The transport of household or office goods is considered an essential service.  To date, with thousands of moves already having taken place since March 15th, we have not heard of one driver who has had issues trying to complete their job.  On April 7th, Transport Canada issued a letter explaining that transport drivers are essential services.  The Canadian Association of Movers co-signed that letter and sent it out to all of our members so that each driver could have a copy in their truck in case they are stopped and questioned.  

CAM has also sent out a letter to our members which we encourage them to fill out, which identifies who is moving, where and when the move dates are taking place, and the precautions taken to protect the shipment and the crews’ truck and equipment.  Carrying the letter is not mandatory, but suggested as an extra step to ensure the passage of the moving truck.

NEW Here's a tip sheet with things to consider to pack up your house and move safely during Coronavirus.

Relocation Service Restrictions Related to COVID-19: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) continues to have a massive impact on the global economy. This includes travel and transportation. Here’s an interesting map that shows the effect COVID-19 currently has on the global relocation industry.

Want up-to-date statistics on the spread of COVID-19? Click on this interactive map.


CAM and the moving industry are equally concerned about the spread of the coronavirus during any step of the move process, particularly as our busy season approaches.  We have to protect our customers, our crews and coworkers, and be especially mindful of the vulnerable sector or our community – the elderly and those with health deficiencies that make them more susceptible to viruses. 

CAM continues to closely monitor COVID-19 and the response from all health agencies, as well as the Canadian government, as they provide updates on the latest developments with respect to this virus.

We are closely monitoring the risks faced by our moving crews and staff whether it be at the office, in public gatherings, in our trucks, or at the customer’s residence or worksite. 

Remember, movers are open for business!  Keep in touch with your clients and remind people on social media that you can help them plan their move now, so they’re ready when it’s time.

Frequently Asked Questions & General Advice

Emergency Relief

Canada Emergency Student Benefit:  The government announced on April 22, 2020 the Canada Emergency Student Benefit for students who are either working (with income of less than $1,000 per month) or are not working. Each applicant will receive $1,250 per month from May to August. The CESB is for post-secondary students, those who are going to college in September, or those who graduated in December 2019. Payments will be retroactive to May 1st. Our members rely heavily on student help during the summer. It’s still unclear when (and if) our summer crush of moves will happen. It’s nice to know that your student labour will have some support even if they are able to be hired at this time. Please let your returning students know of this benefit. More information will be available through the Canada Revenue Agency website after the CESB once it's approved by government and passed into law. And remember, the Federal Government has announced temporary changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program allowing employers who hire summer students to apply for a subsidy of up to 100 per cent of the provincial or territorial hourly minimum wage. We don’t believe that this application is available yet.

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS):  As a Canadian employer whose business has been affected by COVID-19, you may be eligible for a subsidy of 75% of employee wages for up to 12 weeks, retroactive from March 15, 2020, to June 6, 2020.  This wage subsidy will enable you to re-hire workers previously laid off as a result of COVID-19, help prevent further job losses, and better position you to resume normal operations following the crisis. The government announced that the wage subsidy calculator is now available online.  Employers are able to go online and calculate the amount of subsidy that they can expect to claim.  There will be a maximum of $847 per week for qualifying small companies to keep their employees on the payroll. All of the information about the CEWS program is available here.

Canada Summer Jobs Funding - extended: The Prime Minister announced on April 8th that companies that did not meet the original Canada Summer Jobs funding deadline of February 28 are now able to apply for funding. He added that Ottawa will prolong the program until February, 2021, to reflect the fact many summer jobs will be delayed. Under the revised program, employers will be able to receive a subsidy worth as much as the minimum wage in their respective province. Because many businesses have had to scale back their operations, they will be able to hire a student part time The government is predicting the creation of up to 70,000 jobs for Canadians between the ages of 15 and 30, at a cost of $263-million. Note: the new application process is not open just yet. We will post the link when it becomes available.

Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB): Starting April 6, 2020, if you haven’t already applied for EI, you will be able to apply for the CERB. You cannot apply for the CERB if you are going to be receiving the wage subsidy through your employer. We strongly suggest that you get direct deposit for your benefit in case mail delivery gets halted. Again, the CERB is $2,000 a month (taxable income) for 4 months and your application will be quickly reviewed every 4 weeks with a quick questionnaire as to whether you are working or not. Here's where you can find information about the benefit ou en français.

Workers: If you work for a company that has been impacted by COVID-19, the government will cover up to 75% of your salary on the first $58,700 that you earn. That means up to $847 a week. This will be backdated to March 15, 2020.

A message from Prime Minister Trudeau: I want to offer a word of caution. We are trusting you to do the right thing. If you have the means to pay the remaining 25% that is not covered by the subsidy, please do so. And if you think you can’t take advantage of or gain … don’t. There will be serious consequences for those who do. This unprecedented situation calls for unprecedented action and it calls for good faith and trust between everyone involved. For this to work everyone has to do their part. Every dollar of this should go to workers. You should make every effort to top up their wages and every effort to hire back those workers who have been laid off in the past two weeks because of COVID-19.”

Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) package:  Here are the highlights of a CTV interview with Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment and Workforce Development:

  • CERB is for Canadians who are NOT working, not those who are working with reduced hours.
  • CERB is the consolidation of two previously announced benefit packages for non-EI eligible participants and those who are eligible for EI sickness and EI regular benefits.
  • The current EI system was not built for a pandemic situation such as that we are experiencing. A program and portal must be built to handle the sheer amount of requests forthcoming.
  • If you’re a worker and have had $5,000 worth of income in the last year and you are a resident of Canada, you qualify. And if you cease to work, you qualify (whether you are self-employed, a contractor, a small business, a worker, on furlough, been laid off).
  • Effective as of March 15, 2020.
  • If you haven’t been working, you will get paid as of March 15, 2020.
  • Anyone who has applied for EI and their application hasn’t been processed yet, will be processed as of March 15th and will be funneled into the CERB.
  • 4-week terms - $500 a week for 4 weeks. You don’t need to reapply after 4 weeks. In 4 weeks, you will be asked if you are still not working. If your answer is “yes”, you will get the benefit for 4 more weeks.
  • If you are EI eligible right now, apply for EI now. As soon as the system is up (beginning of April) within days you will get a cheque (because it will be fully automated).
  • CERB is taxable.

On March 27, Prime Minister Trudeau announced two small to medium business initiatives that will help qualifying businesses. Details will be available in a few days. It is currently not available online (at 11:30 am). We will post the information when it becomes available.

  • 1. The salary subsidy will increase from 10% to 75% backdated to Sunday, March 15, 2020 in hopes that you will rehire your staff.
  • 2. $40,000 loans that will be guaranteed to the government through the Canada Emergency Business Account. This loan will be interest free for the first year and for those who meet certain conditions, $10,000 of that will be forgivable.

How to Apply for EI During COVID-19

Here is some useful information on how to apply for employment insurance benefits during COVID-19 that was provided to CAM by an HR specialist.

Tax Payments and Filing Deferred

Individuals now have until June 1, 2020 to get their taxes filing done. If you owe money, you will have until August 31, 2020 to pay. Need to know more? Click here. Businesses can defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after today and before September 2020. This relief would apply to tax balances due, as well as installments, under Part I of the Income Tax Act. No interest or penalties will accumulate on these amounts during this period. For more information, click here.

Relief for Small Business Owners

New relief packages for businesses are being finalized and will be available in early April. For more information, click here

Essential Services

Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia have officially ruled that movers and companies that supply warehousing and moving supplies are deemed essential services. Whether or not a company is open is based on their individual business model. Please check with your local companies to see if they are open.  To find a certified, professional mover near you, visit CAM's home page to access our mover search function.

According to the Canadian Self Storage Association, self-Storage has NOT been officially declared an essential business at this time. The CSSA is seeking clarification on their status and hope to have further information on their ability to continue business shortly. Movers that use self-storage services will need to contact their service-provider for details.

Moving Locally? – Moving services have been reduced. You may find that some companies are limiting the number of crews in a truck to 2 men and may have two trucks show up at your home.

Moving a longer distance? – Moving services have been reduced. Continue communicating with your mover regarding delivery times as there may be a delay due to demand.

Moving into an apartment or office building? Connect with the building manager to confirm their protocols regarding entry into the building and elevator use at this time.

Moving to or from the USA? – Moving services have been reduced.  On March 21st, Canada and the U.S. closed the border. Only essential or urgent travel is being permitted for the foreseeable future, as well as the transit of goods. Until we are notified otherwise, cross-border household goods transportation is "business as usual" and household movers are not being restricted at this time.

Reports from some of our members indicate that they've had no problems crossing the border. However, more and more US cities are going into lockdown, so make sure you work with your moving company to see how that affects your move. Also communicate with your mover regarding delivery times as there may be a delay due to demand.

If you are paying in $CAD, the final charge will be based on the current rate of the dollar, which is fluctuating at this time.

We are also hearing from members that the "rules" for cross-border movement of personal effects are changing daily. To date, all truck traffic and freight is still moving as it was. The exception is Canadians moving to the USA. If they are not already there and have a work permit or valid I-94, they may have an issue getting into the US under the personal restrictions of travel. Without the I-94 showing they are in the USA, moving companies cannot take the goods across. We will update this as we learn more.

On April 14th, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) issued a news release to update Canada's mandatory requirements for travellers entering Canada. The Order came into force one minute after midnight on April 15, 2020. "Certain persons who cross the border regularly to ensure the continued flow of goods and essential services, or individuals who receive or provide other essential services to Canadians, are exempt from the requirements to quarantine themselves, as long as they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 upon entry in Canada." Furthermore, "persons exempt from mandatory quarantine are still required to wear an appropriate mask or face covering upon entry into Canada and while in transit, and should otherwise respect the intent of the Order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in Canada." Customers moving across the border into Canada are subject Canada's mandatory 14-day quarantine so they should plan accordingly for the receipt of their household goods. Further to the PHAC announcement that all essential workers crossing the Canada-U.S. border — including truck drivers — must wear a non-medical mask or face covering, Transport Canada is offering additional guidance for vehicle operators who wear face coverings to help minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Moving internationally? – Moving restrictions are in place.  As countries start restricting the movement of people, unique challenges are being experienced with their shipments.  If customers have not yet arrived, or are in self isolation, many of our members are offering bonded storage until the customers are able to clear customs and receive their shipments.  As well, many of our members are offering to keep the shipments in storage in Canada for the time being because the situation is so fluid and it is unknown what implications can be experienced at the destination. It is critical that customers keep in touch with their movers at this time.

Advice for Movers

Transport Canada Employment Confirmation

On April 9th, Transport Canada posted a template letter it developed in concert with industry to identify those employed in the commercial motor vehicle and automotive industry in a critical service capacity. The letter can be downloaded and personalized by a moving company. A printed copy would be kept in the truck cab with the other move documentation and presented as needed during the transport of the household goods. A similar letter officially signed by CAM and for the sole use of CAM members only is available in the member's only area of CAM's website.

How to keep truck cabs clean in the fight against COVID-19

Here is some helpful advice on how to keep your truck cabs clean in the pandemic.

Although this is workplace safety information for British Columbia, you may find this of interest. Check with your local health authorities to see if there is similar documentation for your province.

CFIB Answers COVID-19 Questions

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business is posting up-to-date information on the government relief measures and providing answers to common questions related to COVID-19 as it affects businesses. Here's the CFIB's latest COVID-19 newsletter.

Managing Temporary Lay-offs

Our industry is known historically for temporary lay-offs of staff. We’ve attached an article that may be of interest to you in regard to the extraordinary circumstances with COVID-19. We feel it is important to have open dialogue with your employees about the situation and make sure that they understand that you have every intention of hiring them back when the work ramps up again. Remind your employees that the COVAID package the government is rolling out (soon) is there to help them. We stress that you check your provincial employment standards act to confirm your actions. READ MORE.

Managing Cash Flow in a Crisis

Our friends at Deloitte have forwarded us this article with tips on how to manage cash flow during a crisis. While it may not all affect you, there certainly is some great information to consider as we plan for the next six months of viability.

Sharing insights and lessons learned from Deloitte’s Governance Practice in China and beyond

With apocalyptic news about the COVID-19 coming around seemingly every corner this week, the implications for business and the economy are profound. This short article, while aimed at Board of Directors, can easily be considered by your management team within your moving operation. Thanks for our friends at Deloitte for providing this succinct information.

Take action to ensure your moving company survives

We are no stranger to the concept of COVID-19 by now. However, it remains impossible to comprehend that we, the international moving industry, must brace ourselves for many months without revenue. I suppose, the only comfort is knowing that we're not alone. READ MORE.

Suggested SOP

CAM Member Firemen Movers Inc. shared their new protocols for standard operating procedures in light of the COVID-19 outbreak on all of their moves and customer contact as of Monday, March 16th. FMI are sharing their protocols with their clients to inform them on what they can expect to see in advance of the moves. We’d like to thank Board Member Lorne Babiuk for sharing this with us. While circumstances will be different for each moving company, we consider this a very proactive approach to protecting both staff and the public.

Suggested Hand Washing Kit for Truck Crews

Firemen Movers have also informed us that hand washing kits have been set up today for each of their trucks in case items can't be supplied at the moving sites. The kit includes:

  • one roll of paper towel
  • 10 micro fiber towels
  • one pump container of hand soap
  • one bar of hand soap.

Don't Be a Deer in the Headlights

Mark Oakeshott, a friend to our Association, has some measured and calm words with regards to the current crisis. Thanks to Mark for the wise words!

Don’t be a “deer in the headlights” during this crisis:

  1.  Reduce your overhead and fixed costs in incremental phases;
  2.  Take the blinkers off – you are a “transport company” – not just a moving company;
  3.  If you owe money, communicate and establish a payment plan;
  4.  Report outstanding invoices to FIDI, LACMA and IAM within the required time period to seek some protection;
  5.  Use the time to look at cloud-based technologies that will drive future efficiency;
  6.  Prepare for the rebound.

Come back stronger and leaner! #movers (Click here for Mark's LinkedIn post.)

Planning for Disruption During COVID-19

During an infectious disease outbreak, issues may come up about how to keep you company operational, and at the same time, how to protect your workers from the effects of illness. Your workplace likely will be affected by staff absenteeism, shortages of supplies, and decreased numbers of customers. Get prepared and READ MORE.

Common Commercial Coverages During COVID-19

Businesses may be wondering about potential coverage for losses related to COVID-19. Here is a general guide of how common commercial coverages may respond in the event of a claim related to COVID-19. Thanks to CAM member NFP Canada for providing this general information. If you have questions about your coverage or a potential claim, contact to your own insurance service-provider.

Advice for Consumers

Are movers open for business?

CAM does not keep a running tally of which movers are open for business and which are not. While most of our members are open, some have made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend their operations. To find a certified, professional mover near you, visit CAM's home page to access our mover search function.

I want to get a move estimate.

Many moving companies have virtual survey software and can provide an accurate move survey without having to come directly to your home.   Another option would be to have a Skype or Video Chat with your moving consultant.  You can also email or text photos to your moving consultant.

I am concerned about my safety on moving day and any possible exposure to illness. 

Ask your moving consultant about the workers who’ll be moving you.  Who’ll be handling your goods?  Have they travelled recently?  Have they had any recent illness?  Your moving company will want to know the answers to these questions as well.  At the same time, you should advise your consultant before moving day if you or someone in the home has been ill or have travelled to any infected regions in the recent past.  The workers will have their own concerns as well and will be taking precautions. Here's a short video from CAM member El Cheapo Movers Ltd. about some mover precautions.

I want to help the workers to take normal health precautions.

Wearing masks and gloves may not be practical for the moving crews or the customers when in the home.  There simply aren’t enough to go around. There are steps you can take while the moving crew is at your home. Thanks to Larry Kruger at McWilliams Moving & Storage for this short video on preparing for your movers.

  • While it is our custom, do not shake hands with the moving crew.  A simple “hi” will do.  Consider having a dedicated washroom for them to wash their hands; make soap, sanitizer or wipes, and paper towels available to them. 
  • Have your own pen handy to sign any documents.
  • After the workers leave, wipe down surfaces they may have touched, like taps, door knobs and railings.  Then, wash your hands.
  • And, as always, inform the moving crew as soon as possible, if someone in your home is sick, has been exposed to someone who has COVID_19 or has been in quarantine.

I want to move internationally soon.

  • Make sure you understand what’s happening in the world and where current restrictions are.  Things are changing rapidly.  What was safe today, may not be tomorrow.
  • Be patient – if you were planning on moving in the next 4 weeks, don’t try to rush it, rather postpone it, if you are able to, until the situation is more stable.
  • Help your movers help you. Be informed and prepare yourself for possible delays, cancellations, last minute changes and adhoc processes.
  • Use a registered moving company! This gives you the best chance to successfully move.
  • Be considerate – if you’re frustrated, imagine how it is for the moving company. This is their livelihood so they will do everything in their power to make your move a success, even if it doesn’t go perfectly.

So what if I have to go into quarantine or self-isolation?

You’re moving to a new province during the pandemic. Most Canadian provinces and territories have a 14-day self-isolation/quarantine ruling in place for travellers. Some provinces are much stricter than others, so check your new provincial rules. It is likely that your shipment will arrive in your new city before you are out of isolation/quarantine. There are options that you need to discuss with the moving company you booked your move with:

  • Assigning someone (who is not in mandatory isolation) to receive your shipment on your behalf.
  • Considering having your shipment “held” for a period of time so that the delivery occurs once you are free and clear of the 14-days. Most call this storage-in-transit. This usually results in additional fees.
  • Depending on the driver’s circumstance, and if you have only 1 or 2 days left until you get the “all clear,” you might be able to arrange to hold your shipment on the trailer. That would be a remote possibility, but worth asking about.

If you are isolating/quarantining in the home you are going to be moving into, then the moving company is under no obligation to deliver until you are passed the 14 days. They will need to confirm that anyone in the house is free of symptoms and that you have properly sanitized all surfaces in the home prior to their arrival. It would be prudent to wear a mask while they are present. Any charges incurred for the delay would be your responsibility.

These are unprecedented times and flexibility and strong communication are going to be required by both the mover and the customer. It is your responsibility to make sure that you understand all aspects of your move, including forced delays due to government restrictions.

Public Health

We are checking the official public health and government agencies for any announcements and risk assessment. Here are links to provincial government COVID-19 websites.  

Here's a simple comparison of the coronavirus and other flu- and cold-like symptoms - but always rely on the advice of your medical practitioner.


We recommend the following websites for the latest information on the coronavirus.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) - here are some recommended best practices.

General priorities are as follows:

  • Practicing appropriate hygiene everywhere including in the office, washroom, warehouse, moving truck and customer’s home or worksite.
  • Frequently washing hands with soap & hot water.
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of tissues immediately in lined wastepaper receptacles.
  • Being sensitive when greeting people.  CAM and all customers will understand that a simple verbal greeting will suffice as opposed to a handshake when you arrive at the customer’s home or worksite.
  • Trying to maintain a 2-metre distance between you and others.
  • Workers with health issues should not perform in-person estimates or be sent out on moving jobs.
  • Promote a tap-and-pay option or pre-approved credit cards to limit any handling of cash.

The Canadian Association of Movers (CAM) is a non-profit trade association that does not dispense legal or business advice. Any ideas, concepts, or theories that are discussed should be reviewed by your own legal counsel. Issues related to the coronavirus are evolving rapidly and what may be accurate today could be outdated tomorrow.