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Complaint Intake

Before you fill out this form, please:

  • contact the moving company that you booked your move with to try to resolve your issue.
  • understand CAM's role in handling consumer issues.
What CAM Will Do

The Canadian Association of Movers (CAM) is a not-for-profit trade association representing the interests of member moving and storage companies that does not dispense legal advice nor provide arbitration services. CAM is not a consumer advocate or consumer interest group, nor a regulatory body. Therefore any ideas, concepts, or theories that are discussed should be reviewed by your own legal counsel.

If the mover is a CAM member, CAM WILL:

  • record the complaint.
  • share the form (and any additional information you provide) with the CAM member for response and resolution.
  • as necessary, act as facilitator between you and the CAM member.
  • if appropriate, refer the matter to the affiliated van line for response and resolution.
  • advise the consumer of action taken and responses received.

If the mover is NOT a CAM member, CAM WILL NOT CONTACT THE MOVER, but:

  • will record the complaint.
  • may recommend a course of action.
  • may provide contact information for governmental consumer agencies, the Better Business Bureau or other enforcement agencies.
Information We Collect
This section explains CAM's privacy rules.


We collect the following personal information directly from you when you complete the intake form located on our site.

- First and Last Name
- E-mail Address (s)
- Phone Number (s)

We do not collect any personal information indirectly through publicly-available sources or authorized third-parties.

Our web servers may also collect non-identifying information from your device, such as IP address, cookie preferences and other technical information necessary for the website experience to be as efficient as possible.


CAM will never disclose your personal information in identifiable format.

However, if we are required to respond to a lawful access request from law enforcement or government agencies responsible for moving company misconduct, we will notify you of such disclosure prior to the disclosure occurring.


If you have questions about our privacy practices, would like to make a formal access to personal information request, or would like to challenge our compliance with privacy practices, please contact the designated privacy official at admin[at]

1.0 Your Contact Details
What are your contact details?
Who is filing this complaint today?
If no, please skip to next question.
If no, please skip to next question.
2.0 Mover's Contact Details
This section captures some basic information about the mover you hired and, if different, the mover that showed up to do your move.
What was the company's address?
3.0 Complaint Overview
This section gathers critical information about your complaint.
4.0 Move Overview
This section gathers general information about the locations and timelines of your move.
Where were your goods to be picked up from?
Leave blank if your goods have not been picked up.
Where are/were your goods to be delivered to?
Leave blank if your goods have not been delivered.
If uncertain, please use your closest estimated date. If your goods have not been delivered, please leave this blank.
Did the moving company provide a written contract before pickup?
If no, did you request a written contract before your goods were picked up?
5.0 Move Contract
This section captures basic details about the contract - the agreed timing, services, payment arrangements - of your move.
How did the mover confirm your shipment size?
 Check all that apply.
How was your moving cost calculated in the estimate?
If using Other, please provide as much detail as possible. Please reflect the price in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
How was this rate communicated to you?
If your rate was provided over the phone, was there ever follow-up or confirmation in writing (like over email)?
Were additional fees, other than weight, included in the contract?
6.0 Pickup and Before Delivery
This section goes through the day of your pickup and what happened once they had your goods, but had not yet delivered them.
Was the company that showed up to your home the same as the one you hired?
Once your goods were on the truck, did any conditions of your move as laid out in your contract change (e.g., delivery date, cost, payment options, etc.)?
7.0 Paying For Your Move
This section reviews the process of paying for your move.
How did you pay for the deposit?
How did you pay for the move?
Did the estimated cost of your move change from the quoted amount?
Please check only 1 option.
8.0 Delivery and Post-Delivery
Were your goods delivered to you in generally good order? Please check all that apply.
This section goes through your delivery - what happened, what you were told and more.
9.0 Additional Information
This section collects any other information about your moving experience that you can add.
What's the thought that lasts? What does the public need to know? What don't people understand about moving scammers?
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