Decluttering Before Your Move

Decluttering Before Your Move
Decluttering Before Your Move

Consumer Tip Sheet - Decluttering Before Your Move

Getting rid of clutter is a great way to prepare for your move. It not only cleanses your house of unwanted things, but it clears your mind as well. Need more reasons why to add decluttering to your moving to-do list? Here they are!

  • Reduces Waste

You may want to wait until you move to go through your things and get rid of the clutter, but it’s better if you do it as soon as possible. It’ll waste time and space that you definitely need as you move into another place.

  • Saves Money

One of the biggest reasons why you need to get rid of your clutter now is because it’s going to save you money. The less you need to move, the less you’ll pay in moving fees and packing supplies. It’s just that simple.

  • Makes You Money

If you think some of your items deserve some cold hard cash, then there are lots of places online where you can sell them like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. Or, if you’d rather go a more traditional route, you can hold a yard sale.

  • Simplifies Your Move

Figuring out what you’d rather not bring with you beforehand will help your moving process go as smoothly as possible. A good way to do this is to set aside a box or two in each room for the clutter that you’re planning on getting rid of. This helps you wrap your mind around all of the items that are left so you can plan accordingly, and begin organizing the things that you actually want to come along during the move.

  • Helps Others

While you get rid of your clutter, you can even help others in the process. There are plenty of charity organizations that’ll pick up your functional unwanted items. They might even be able to pick up bigger items like furniture and large appliances. Also, you might even be able to help out a family member by giving them some of your functional belongings.

How to Get Started

Where do you begin? Here's an article with some tips to get you started: 5 essential downsizing & decluttering tips for a hassle-free move (Yahoo!, June 17, 2024).

First, be sure to make a plan. Decide if you’re just going to give all of your unwanted belongings away, or if you’re looking to sell them. Set aside a full day or two for each room in order to go through your belongings and decide what you’re going to keep and what you’re going to let go. Start with a room that’s easier to declutter, like the living room or guest room. That way, you won’t be overwhelmed from the start.

When deciding what to take and what to keep, there are general rules. If you haven’t used the item for over two years, you might want to let it go. Other items around the house like out-of-style clothes and old sporting equipment are going to be easy to get rid of. Some may not be as easy to let go, but be sure to stay strong through it all.

After you’ve decluttered your whole home, you may find that you’ve gotten rid of a third of your belongings. Clutter builds quickly and it can be hard to get rid of. But decluttering is about simplifying your life so you can save time, space and money. As long as you give yourself ample time to plan, decluttering will surely benefit your move in the long run.